Subject Leader : Lesley Saddington 



The Geography curriculum is designed to instil in pupils an understanding of the world in our pupils through their study of geography. At Holy Trinity, pupils learn about their responsibility as local, national and global citizens. Pupils develop a curiosity and fascination about the ever-changing world and the diversity of people and places. Pupils will learn about the three key areas of geography: place, locational and human/physical aspects of geography. To help pupils’ understanding of these we will develop their use of geographical skills and fieldwork. Pupils will learn about the geography of Britain and key geographical features of the world.


Geography is linked to the pathway and taught weekly in rotation with History (half-termly). There is a clear progression of knowledge and skills in each unit, assessed through regular recaps and end of unit quizzes to promote long-term memory. Knowledge and skills are consistently consolidated, developed and extended with a range of field trips in the local area and beyond.


To ensure consistency throughout the school, leaders ensure that:

· Staff receive regular planning support

· Topics are reviewed to meet the needs of pupils

· Links are made with other curriculum areas, including English, Art and Design and Design and Technology

· Half termly book looks, planning scrutiny and pupil voice to ensure consistency and provide clear next steps

· Learning walks provide opportunities for both formal and informal feedback

· Regular investment in up to date resources

As a result of this, pupils make good progress from their starting points and teaching and learning is consistent.

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