We are Puma Class!
Our class teacher is Ms Jackson and we are extremely excited about being in Key Stage 2 this year.

Class Teacher : Nadia Jackson
Teaching and Learning Assistants :
Puma Class is an exciting place to be and we take pride in our learning. We are resilient and motivated to do our best and we always show kindness in our actions towards others.
We begin our curriculum with Journeys through Time, Place and Mind with our main focus on Brixton.
Our future topics will be Power of the Arts, In the Beginning, Let’s Discover, The World Within London and Health Body, Healthy Mind.
In Maths, we will be focusing on developing our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills using a variety of methods. We are also very excited about recapping and learning our 2, 3 5, and 10 multiplication and division facts. We will be focusing on 4 and 8 multiplication facts during the course of the academic year. Don’t forget to keep practising your times tables at home, we will keep you updated on the times table resources available to you.
In English, we will continue to develop and apply our grammar and punctuation to the amazing creative pieces we will produce. Additionally we will be very creative in bringing elements of drama into our learning.
In Modern Foreign Language lessons we are learning Spanish, which is a fantastic opportunity for our pupils.
We have daily guided reading sessions and a weekly library session. Each child has access to Accelerated Reader, where they can choose and read books that they are able to take tests on.
We love learning in class! However, we also enjoy learning on class trips and look forward to booking some exciting trips this year.