Subject leader: Natasha Maddox


DESIGN                          CREATE                   CONSTRUCT


The Design Technology curriculum is designed to provide opportunities for pupils to design, create and construct. Our high-quality design technology curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to develop creativity and imagination in their design work. They will acquire skills and knowledge to be able to become confident in creating real life products and understanding how these work.


We aim to give all children the confidence to express themselves through design and technology. Units of work are linked where possible, to other areas of the curriculum. Through a variety of practical activities, children will be taught the knowledge and skill of processing a design, then evaluating it. Children will have the opportunity to experience and learn the skills of cooking, construction, printmaking, textiles and sewing.


To ensure consistency throughout the school, leaders ensure that:

· Staff receive regular planning support where and when needed.

· Topics are reviewed to meet the needs of pupils.

· Links are made with other curriculum areas where appropriate.

· Half termly book looks, planning scrutiny and pupil voice to ensure consistency.

· Learning walks provide opportunities for both formal and informal feedback

· Regular investment in up to DT date resources

As a result of this, pupils make good progress from their starting points and teaching and learning is consistent.

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