Subject Leader : Stephen Taw
At Holy Trinity, our computing curriculum equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. We want all of our pupils to be digitally literate – able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

At Holy Trinity, we use Purple Mash' computing scheme of work. Our learning environments are equipped with a computer and an interactive whiteboard, which are fully networked and have access to the internet. We have 30 high-specification laptops on a mobile laptop trolley, as well as 60 iPads, meaning our children can have access to computing technology at any point during the school day.
We are excited to have achieved the National Online Safety accreditation, in recognition of our commitment to understanding, educating and protecting our children and wider community from the potential dangers of the online world. Please click here for further information.

Parents and carers, please take the time to download this amazing app: full of guides, resources and support for you to help keep your children as safe as possible online. Just scan the QR code below:

We are proud to have trained and developed our very own 'Digital Leaders' at Holy Trinity. These children received training from our colleagues at the Connected Learning Centre and are responsible for supporting staff and children in delivering excellent Computing sessions, by helping to set up and monitor equipment and working with children across the school in specific lessons. They have also created a wonderful 'Online Safety' video which you can see below. The group continues to meet termly to receive additional training, updates and to have an opportunity to discuss any issues.
In Key Stage 2, our children extend their use of computing that they use for communication, investigation and programming and work to understand how to communicate safely. We use PCs, laptops, floor computers (turtles and roamers), cameras, video and a range of software to support teaching and learning in Computing.
We strive to ensure that our children and staff maintain high levels of diligence regarding online safety. This will form a key school development priority this year as we seek to ensure our children remain safe and well when using technology online, whilst supporting parents and carers to know how to better protect their children.

Online Safety is a core aspect of the computer curriculum and there is inbuilt Online Safety guidance in each unit.
Throughout the year children are involved in collective worships and workshops about this key area. All our children are taught about using technology responsibly and about the importance of keeping personal information safe.
To ensure consistency throughout the school, leaders ensure that:
· Staff receive support with the delivery of computing when and where needed.
· Topics are reviewed to meet the needs of pupils to ensure they are relevant and motivating.
· Links are made with other curriculum areas when and where possible.
· Half termly pupil voice takes place to ensure consistency and provide clear next steps.
· Learning walks provide opportunities for both formal and informal feedback.
· Regular investment in up to date resources.
As a result of this, pupils make good progress from their starting points and teaching and learning is consistent.