Welcome to Holy Trinity's admissions home page.
All parents wishing to apply for a place for a child at Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School are required to take a tour of our school.
If you are a prospective parent and haven’t had a school tour yet, please click the button below for the next available dates and to book your place on a tour. We very much look forward to meeting you.
During your tour we will tell you everything you need to know about the school, answer your questions and explain how Lambeth schools’ application system and selection criteria works.
At the end of the tour we will cover all the information you need to know about how to apply for a place in Reception at Holy Trinity.
Are you interested in joining our Holy Trinity family?
Holy Trinity is a Church of England school, but we are an inclusive community that welcomes all learners regardless of race, gender, and ethnicity or religion, stage of English learning, ability, special educational need or impairment.
Holy Trinity has one form of entry, with a maximum class size of 30 children in Reception. We are deeply rooted in the local community, and as such we will always try to accommodate applications from local parents.
In the event that we are oversubscribed, our Governing body has designated that an equal amount of available places be made available both to families that attend church, and families that do not. Our admissions policy reflects our inclusive ethos. Every child and family is welcome. To view our current admissions policy please click the button below.
Admissions Policy for 2023 - 24
In January 2021, the Governing Body confirmed that we will temporarily reduce our PAN to one form of entry (30 children) from September 2022 to July 2027.
This action is part of a wider undertaking by Lambeth Council to reduce PANs (Published Admissions Numbers) due to falling population across the borough. This is a consequence of a range of factors, including a drop in the number of births, lower fertility rates, the impact of welfare reform and the impact of the uncertainty of Brexit on migration that have led to a year-on-year fall in Reception numbers, which is expected to continue until 2025/26.
Holy Trinity supports the local authority’s view that all our schools have a responsibility to work together in finding a solution to the current and predicted number of children in our borough.
The full admissions policy for 2023/24 can be found by clicking below.
Contact Us
If you would like to share your thoughts on our Admissions Policy, please contact our Chair of Governors using the e-mail address below.

When to apply for a Reception place at Lambeth Primary Schools
Children join our primary school in September of the school year in which they are five – so, for entry in September 2023, this applies to children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019.
The closing date for applications for a Reception class place at a primary school in the 2023/24 academic year is midnight on 15th January 2023.
If your application is received after 15th January 2023, it will be considered a late application by Lambeth Council and will not be considered for a place until after 16th April 2023 (the date that all applicants are notified). Missing the 15th January deadline will therefore significantly reduce your chance of getting a place at Holy Trinity as your preferred choice.
How to apply for a Reception Class place at Holy Trinity
The admissions system for all Reception age children is managed by the local authority in which you live and not by Holy Trinity directly. For most parents applying for a place at Holy Trinity that will mean applying through Lambeth Council.
However, for a place at Holy Trinity, all parents are required to apply using the Lambeth application system and submit a simple additional application form direct to Holy Trinity.
To apply through Lambeth Council, all parents are required to fill out a Common Application Form (‘CAF’) for their child, preferably using the online Lambeth e-admissions process, which is the Primary Schools Admissions Portal.
Parents who live in other boroughs may apply for places in a Lambeth school, but must apply through their home borough which will then be passed to Lambeth Council.
Lambeth Council provides a comprehensive Primary Schools Admission Booklet that details the Reception place application process that you can download below.
Once you have completed the CAF (for Lambeth or your borough), you’ll need to complete the short Holy Trinity application.
You can download this below and then post it or drop it into the school office - addressed to Applications, Holy Trinity CE Primary School, Upper Tulse Hill, London SW2 2RL...
...or email a scanned copy to admin@holytrinity.lambeth.sch.uk
Here are all the links you’ll need:
To apply for a place at Holy Trinity for Reception Class you must:
- complete the Common Application Form through the Primary Schools Admissions Portal; and
- complete and submit the Supplementary Information Form directly to Holy Trinity school.
If you need any more information please visit Lambeth’s information on applying for primary school here.
‘In Year’ admissions at Holy Trinity Primary School
We currently have spaces in other year groups across the school. For 'in-year' admissions please telephone or visit our school office.
An ‘In-Year Transfer’ application is any application for a school place outside of the usual application time. In other words, for a primary school, any time other than first joining Reception.
If you would like to apply for a place in either:
- Years 1-6 at the school; or
- Reception after the school has started in September;
then your application is considered an ‘In-Year Transfer' application.
Holy Trinity does not participate in the Lambeth Council ‘In-Year’ application system so all applications for ‘In-Year’ places are dealt with directly by the school.
For more information please contact the school office.
Holy Trinity Pan Reduction Consultation
Please read the document below concerning next school years admission numbers.